
Home Sponsorship

Being a home sponsor is one of the most rewarding roles you can play for 24/7. You have the ability to see first hand the power of God on a young leaders life. I assure you, if you open your home, you will be amazed on how a young leader can affect you, your family and your circle of influence. Our students are not only extremely obedient but they are also great examples for other young students in your home.

Ok, here are some common questions we receive about being a home sponsor. I hope that the answers can assure you that being a home sponsor is one of the greatest things you can do to further our young leaders.

What does it take to be a home sponsor?
There are only a few things that we require home sponsors to have.
*A room (does not have to be by themselves)
*Food (providing health food for your student will keep them in the 'race')
*Love ( and lots of it)
That is really all that we need our students to have!

What would it cost my family?
The only financial piece that you will need to provide for your student is food. And yes our students will eat just about everything.

What is my time commitment?
There is not a time commitment. Our students are rarely home due to there very busy schedule. We do hope that you and your student connect and that you can mentor them as much as you can but, there is no obligation. 

Do I treat them like my own children?
Yes and No. We have to remember that they need love like your children desire but you do not at all have to punish them or get frustrated with them. The Director of 24/7 will always be the one to 'parent' the student. We hope and pray that there is an 'Open Door' police when it comes to talking about the student. The Director will correct the student and make sure he or she is benefiting your home not taking away from it.
"If the home sponsor is not happy, the Director is not happy"

What if I want a specific gender?
You are more than welcome to ask for a specific gender. We want to make you happy so that you have the best experience possible.

Can I just be a home sponsor for one semester?
Absolutely! Remember we want to make sure what our students and our home sponsors to be happy. We will make accommodations for just about any situation.

What does it take to be an effective Home Sponsor?
To be an effective Home Sponsor it does take effort.  Even though our students will be extremely well behaved they do take work.  At times you are going to need to be a friend and someone one that they can count on for emotional support.  Other times you may need to be a mentor and speak into their lives when they feel down.  All in all it is as much as a challenge as it is a blessing.  Some students move into homes and everything connects and rules are clear.  Other times there are some difficult things that the student has to go through before he or she is a effective leader.  We do our very best to set up as much support for the home sponsor as possible, so they never feel burnt our or troubled by the student being there.  

If you are interested or have any questions about becoming a home sponsor please email me at stephen@dyastargso.com
We look forward to meeting you!